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Great Afrikan Content

Living in a Sacred Forest Paradise

There is something very beautiful about green spaces, especially forest life, ocean life, and #ecoliving. You feel alive as you merge with the beauty and biodiversity around you. We are happy to share this beautiful journey of our movement from Nairobi area to a #foresthouse in a #sacredforest in South Coast of Kenya. Thank you […]

Were the Ancient Africans Literate or Illiterate?

As an African, have you ever heard the statement that Africans were illiterate before Europeans came here? Or that there were no reading and writing systems before the arrival of the white man to the shores of Africa? I bet you might have heard that. So, the question is, were ancient Africans illiterate? Were there […]

Addressing False Discoveries by Europeans in Africa

If you grew up in Africa, one of the stories about Europeans that you must have been told as kids was the various places that the Europeans discovered in Africa. And of such stories is the story of Mungo Park, the young Scottish doctor and explorer who we were told discovered the River Niger. But […]

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade: Did Africans Sell Fellow Africans?

The African story is deep, historical, and also present and it is the story of our future. But until we start to really take a look at history to see where we missed it, take a look at the present to see where we are still missing it, we will definitely miss the future. For […]

AFRICA DAY 2023: Celebration of Heroes

Africa Day is the day we celebrate the great people called Africans all over the globe. Against all odds and oppressive systems, Africans in their various fields have stood tall and strong. Our list of African heroes is very long, but permit us to share these few with you, with the hope that you will […]

A Candid Conversation About Afrika

In the changing global landscape where nations are gradually corralling their citizens into tighter and more restricted socio-economic and political spaces – and very deliberately at that, Tet Kofi asks the all important question: “Can Africa project its voice on the world stage or will she become an order taker following the determinations of governments […]

Diaspora Investment in Afrika – What it Really Takes

In this conversation with Patrick Headley, CEO and Founder of Kiyiira Limited, find out what the real cost and real goal of Diaspora Investment in Afrika is and why you should consider it.Diaspora investment in Afrika is crucial for various reasons, one of which is supporting the economic growth of the continent. The biggest reason, […]

Funding Afrika’s Infrastructure and Development

When we think of developing Afrika, the question that always arises is, “How do we pay for it all?” With Afrikan economies struggling with external and internal debt that they entered into either through corruption, coercion, desperation or carelessness, what will happen to Afrika’s continental development agenda? How do we build the dream we see […]

Economic Apartheid in Afrika

As we continue to look closer at the issues facing and the tricks used against Afrika, we need to discuss the reality of Economic Apartheid.


Living in a Sacred Forest Paradise

There is something very beautiful about green spaces, especially forest life, ocean life, and #ecoliving. You feel alive as you merge with the beauty and biodiversity around you. We are happy to share this beautiful journey of our movement from Nairobi area to a #foresthouse in a #sacredforest in South Coast of Kenya. Thank you […]